Meet Our Team at Livestock Markets, Shows & Events

Why not take the opportunity to meet our dedicated team in person? We regularly attend a variety of livestock markets, agricultural shows, and industry events each month. Whether you’re looking for expert advice, market insights, or simply want to put a face to the name, we’d love to see you there.

Check out the list below to see where we’ll be and who you can meet at each location. We look forward to catching up with you soon!

Date Event Location
10th May Nottingham Show  Newark Show Ground NG24 2NY
21st May NSA Welsh Sheep Tregoed Farm Brecon LD3 0SP
28th May Beef Tech 25 Home Farm, Kininmouth Mintlaw
4th June NSA North Sheep Greystoke Castle Farm, Penrith
11th June NSA Highland Show Midfearn Farm, Ardgay IV24 3DL
18th – 19th June Lincoln Show Lincoln Show Ground  – Lincoln LN2 2NA
25th June NSA South West Sheep Weston Farm, South Molton, EX36 4ED
1st July  NSA Northern Ireland McFarlane Family Farm, Dungiven BT47 4QP
21st – 24th July Royal Welsh Show Royal Welsh Show Ground Builth LD2 3SY
Livestock Market
Sales Team Member Location Days Frequency Contact details Upcoming Dates   *please note these can be subject to change 
Aled Bates Welshpool Mondays  Fortnightly 07507 611195 7th April, 28th April, 12th May, 2nd June & 30th June
Aled Bates Oswestry Wednesday Fortnightly 07507 611195 2nd April, 16th April, 30th April, 14th May, 28th May, 11th June & 25th June
Aled Bates Ruthin Thursday Fortnightly 07507 611195 27th March, 10th April, 24th April, 8th May 22nd May, 5th June & 19th June
John Powel Hereford Tuesday Fortnightly  07870 517729 8th April, 29th April & 6th May
John Powel Worcester Wednesday Fortnightly 07870 517729 9th April, 16th April, 30th April
John Powel Market Drayton Wednesday Monthly 07870 517729 2nd April, 
Arwel Bynon Carmarthen Wednesday & Friday, 2nd Saturday of the Month Weekly 07805 041637 2nd April, 4th April, 9th April, 11th April, 12th April, 16th April, 18th April, 23rd April, 25th April, 30th April & 2nd May
Arwel Bynon Whitland Tuesday Weekly 07805 041637 1st April, 8th April, 15th April 22nd April & 29th April
Stuart Baldock Bakewell Monday Fortnightly 07951 969087 31st March, 14th April & 28th April
Stuart Baldock Skipton Wednesday Fortnightly 07951 969087 2nd April, 16th April, 22nd April & 30th April
Michelle Dickinson Melton Mowbray Tuesday & Wednesday Fortnightly 07947 858194 9th April, 22nd April, 7th May, 20th May, 4th June & 17th June
Nicola Spencer Melton Mowbray Tuesday & Wednesday Fortnightly 07947 858196 9th April, 22nd April, 7th May, 20th May, 4th June & 17th June

“Please note that these dates could be subject to change. We recommend contacting the sales team member in advance to confirm their attendance.

Welsh & English Grant Road Shows 

Come along and meet our expert team to discover how you can take full advantage of these grants and calculate your potential savings.

Welsh Grant Road Show 
Date Location Sales Team Member
7th April Welshpool Market Aled Bates –      07507 611195
9th April Carmarthen Market Arwel Beynon – 07805 041637
10th April Ruthin Market Aled Bates –      07507 611195
English Grant Road Show 
Dates Location Sales Team Members
23rd April Frome Market John Frizzel – 07557 1469676 & Kimberly Dudley 07774 227242
25th April Exeter Market John Frizzel – 07557 1469676 & Kimberly Dudley 07774 227242
28th April Bakewell Market John Frizzel – 07557 1469676 &  Kimberly Dudley 07774 227242
30th April Market Drayton Market John Frizzel – 07557 1469676 &  Kimberly Dudley 07774 227242
5th May Skipton Market Kimberly Dudley 07774 227242
6th May Hereford Market Kimberly Dudley 07774 227242 & Glen Cotterill – 07394 801570
7th May  Carlise Market John Frizzel – 07557 1469676, Stuart Baldock – 07951 969087 & Brain Cuddy – 07903 385255
8th May Gisburn Market Stuart Baldock – 07951 969087,  Brain Cuddy – 07903 385255 & Glen Cotterill – 07394 801570
13th & 14th May Melton Market Kimberly Dudley 07774 227242 & Glen Cotterill – 07394 801570
17th May  Worcester Market Kimberly Dudley 07774 227242 & Glen Cotterill – 07394 801570